“The glorious mission of a dreamer”

I'm going on a humanitarian adventure, will you dare to dream with me?

I want to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, in October 2024 and raise €5,895 in donations for the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto - IPO do Porto.

This amount represents €1 per meter of the mountain!

“Climbing Kilimanjaro while raising donations for IPO do Porto is a dream that I turned into a plan, and I know I will make it come true”

My name is Pedro Flores, born and raised in the city of Porto!

I'm married, 42 years old, and I'm a freelance travel leader for a Portuguese agency.

I've lived in a few countries, and visited a few more in my increasingly adventurous life!

I worked for many years in​​ retail management for internationally recognized companies, but despite excellent results and career progression, this was never my essence.

In 2017 I faced a health-related issue and that was when I decided to change the direction of my life.

Today I dedicate myself to traveling (for work and leisure), and mainly to being happy!

This will be my first humanitarian adventure, and in addition to being excited and extremely motivated, I feel apprehensive and receptive. (I want to know more)

Fortunately, I have a Team of Professionals with me that gives me the security and confidence to be sure that my 2 major objectives will be accomplished!

“If I help just one person to have hope, I will not have lived in vain”

“IPO-Porto's mission is to provide healthcare, in a timely manner, centered on the patient, without neglecting prevention, research, training, and teaching in the field of oncology with the aim of ensuring high levels of quality, humanism and efficiency.”



By seeing, liking, and commenting on my content, you are already giving visibility to the Project.


If you want to collaborate more actively, you can be an official ambassador of the Project.

Get in touch with me so I can explain in more detail. It is a very important role and does not require a lot of time or effort.


Because every cent counts... and

“Many few make many!

100% of the amount raised will be donated to IPO

PT50 0023 0000 45739632589 94

+351 966423234



Follow this humanitarian adventure...

and IF YOU SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, you will help even more!


Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long




Climbing Kilimanjaro was a dream I developed a few years ago. In 2008 I decided that I wanted to do something different, something big, that would take me out of my comfort zone and test my limits.

The idea of ​​doing something that I consider epic took hold of me so now I decided to embrace this challenge and prove to myself that I am capable of doing things that I wouldn't immediately believe I could.

My biggest motivation was to challenge myself. Literally in every aspect... I'm a person who doesn't pay much attention to my diet, I don't exercise, and despite having stopped smoking 1 year ago, I'm not exactly in shape.

Embracing this challenge will "force" me to change many of my habits, it will require a lot of effort on my part so that on October 11th I will be physically and psychologically fit to try to achieve the goal of reaching the top of the mountain, 5895 meters in altitude. I say try because success does not depend directly on me but on how my body reacts to the high altitude. No matter how fit and motivated you are, physical reactions to altitude vary from person to person, and even within the person, it can vary at different times in their life.

In addition to this challenge, there is another one that is even more important, and that requires much more from me... raising donations for IPO do Porto. I have never run a donation campaign and therefore I am completely "in the dark". I started and will continue to learn about this topic and then plan a strategy that will lead me to success.

With the help of many people that I hope to involve, and with what I believe to be my ability to implement my learnings, I know that I will succeed!

But this is without a doubt the most challenging part of this humanitarian adventure for me, and despite being outside my comfort zone, I am aware and have a sense of responsibility that I cannot fail.

And that's what I intend to do... reach Pico Uhuru in the early morning of the 17th of October, 2024!

At that point, I expect to have at least €5,895 to hand over to the IPO do Porto!


€5,895 is my goal, and it represents just €1 for every meter of Kilimanjaro

Associated with the dream of climbing Kilimanjaro, I have also always wanted to repay some of the great work, dedication, commitment, friendliness, and above all generosity that my family and I have always received from the IPO do Porto teams.

Unfortunately, this institution has become very important to us over the years.

Many family members and friends were IPO patients, and to many of them IPO was their last "home". Fortunately, there were also some successful stories, and there will continue to be! That is why the importance of this Institution continues to grow every day for many people in our community.

When I thought about climbing Kilimanjaro, I immediately thought about running a fundraising campaign to somehow give thanks for what the IPO still does for me, and for all of us, today. I want to support the IPO do Porto to continue its extremely important mission in our society so that it can help more people as it helped me and my loved ones, and with better conditions for patients and employees.

The total amount raised in this campaign will be given to IPO do Porto.

All expedition costs will be borne by me and/or sponsor(s).

More information about IPO do Porto at https://ipoporto.pt/en/


Kilimanjaro is an ancient volcano that rises in the middle of the savanna plain located in northern Tanzania, close to the border with Kenya. It is the highest point in Africa, with a height of 5,895m at Uhuru Peak.

(Hence the value of my goal of donations to be raised for IPO do Porto. €1 for each meter of Kilimanjaro!)

Kilimanjaro is also the largest independent mountain in the world and the 4th highest of the famous 7 Summits.


There are 7 main routes to reach Pico Uhuro and each of them has its specificities and degree of difficulty.

I will do the Lemosho route in 8 days. This is around 70 km long and is considered to have a medium level of difficulty.

Every year around 50,000 people attempt to reach Uhuru Peak on Kilimanjaro, and the success rate is 65%... so, “a tough nut to crack”!


PEDRO FLORES - The Executor

Travel Leader from Porto, 42 years old, enthusiastic about life in general, and a people-driven person!

A dreamer, constantly seeking to accomplish those dreams. His life is full of experiences and different adventures, and he is the head behind this project.

Find more about his “different” life story, and most importantly, about this Project on the links below:


42 years old, from Lisbon, and a massive inspiration to many!

Pedro is the 6th Portuguese to summit Everest and has many great achievements. He conquered several solidarity goals to help others through his amazing Humanitarian Adventures.

You can discover his inspirational world and his next goal on the links below:

TIAGO TIMÓTEO - The Personal Trainer

Working in one of the most recognized gyms in Porto, Portugal (Evolve Personal Training), he is an expert not just in weight loss, but also metabolic training and most importantly for this project, sportive performance!

He is the personal trainer of many people close to this project and has been enthusiastic about this great challenge since the first moment!

You can find more about his amazing work on the links below:

IRINA SERGEEVNA - The Photographer and Videographer

Originally from Minsk, Belarus, this artist who has lived in Porto for a long time, immortalizes and reports through her photographs and videos her unique style, moments, places, people, and in this specific case unforgettable experiences.

Irina was one of the first persons to show support and interest in collaborating on this ambitious project! Her talent and art are undoubtedly a huge asset to our project!

You can discover his enormous works at the links below:

RAQUEL JORGE - The Ambassadors Coordinator and will also climb Kilimanjaro

"I'm Raquel, a lover of nature and travel. Traveling is one of my greatest passions, as in addition to getting to know new places, cultures, and people, it allows me to expand my horizons and experience unforgettable adventures. Each trip is a unique opportunity for growth personal experience and learning that enriches and broadens my worldview. Furthermore, I am a physical activity enthusiast and believe in the transformative power of a good laugh. Being active and sharing moments of joy with others is essential for my happiness and well-being. ."

TIAGO TIMÓTEO - The Personal Trainer

Working in one of the most recognized gyms in Porto, Portugal (Evolve Personal Training), he is an expert not just in weight loss, but also metabolic training and most importantly for this project, sportive performance!

He is the personal trainer of many people close to this project and has been enthusiastic about this great challenge since the first moment!

You can find more about his amazing work on the links below:

“The glorious mission of a dreamer”



